Without proper security, training, and preparation, many of our homes are vulnerable to invasion. Grounds security is often easily breached – so too are exterior doors and windows. Inside the home, few people have developed strategies or installed protection for themselves and their families.
United States Navy SEALs are among the best in the world at covertly infiltrating environments and breaching structures to achieve their mission. We bring those special capabilities to you and your family to design a custom solution to out-prepare and outmaneuver would-be intruders. With the right strategies and tactics, you can protect your family and your home.
Bespoke on-premises instruction led by Navy SEALs
Strategies and tactics
Physical security upgrades
Program Overview
During your session, we will discuss common scenarios and methods of home invasion, as well as the intruder mindset and how to use that to your advantage. Alongside you, we methodically execute our review of your neighborhood, your property, and your home. We then develop your customized home defense plan and run drills to ensure the plan works for you and your family.
By the time we leave, you will stand taller and sleep better knowing you can protect your family and your home.
Neighborhood analysis
Home floor plan assessment
Scheduling and logistics
Led by SEALs
External & internal vulnerability analysis
Security upgrades
Stress inoculation scenarios
Security perspectives
Sustainment training to stay sharp
First access to new programming
What People Are Saying
“With all the advances in technology, it feels like a lot of us have lost some of those old school skills that our parents and grandparents had to protect their homes and their families. Highground is restoring that balance one family at a time. Our Home Defense session was everything we needed – the best part were the scenario drills where we tested our plans to ensure our customized solution worked exactly as needed.”
“My husband travels a lot for work. Increasingly I felt scared at home alone with my children. Two former Navy SEALs came to our house and taught us the strategies and tactics to fortify our home as well as what to do if ever there was an intruder. It would be hard to overstate how much better we all now feel. Everyone should get this service – it’s worth every penny!”